Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP).
CSFP works to improve the health of income eligible persons at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods. Distribution is bimonthly at nine locations throughout Menominee, Delta, and Schoolcraft Counties.
CSFP Eligibility Criteria:
· Self-declared household income is equal to or less than 150% Federal Poverty Level.
· Applicant is 60 years of age.
· Applicant resides in Agency service area.
Please call your local Senior Center for more information or to request an application.
1. Escanaba Senior Center, 906-786-8850
2. Gladstone Senior Center, 906-428-2201
3. Rock Senior Center, 906-356-6420
4. Rapid River Omni Center, 906-786-8850
5. Garden Community Center, 906-786-8850
6. Manistique VFW, 906-786-8850
7. Mid County Senior Center, 906-753-6986
8. Hermansville Senior Center, 906-798-6986
9. Menominee Senior Center, 906-863-2158
See below for the CSFP distribution schedule.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) distribution is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of income eligible individuals and households by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost.
MDS CAA has two open TEFAP Pantries and FAWM hosts Mobile Pantries.
FAWM Mobile Pantry:
Click the link below for the FAWM website for upcoming dates.
1. Escanaba Senior Center
2. Hermansville Senior Center
3. Gladstone Senior Center (First day open will be 5/7/2024)
4. Rapid River Omni Center (Opening to be determined)
Click on the TEFAP Pantry Schedule and Eligibility below for more information.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.